
Ivy Towler 




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I help women see their impact and beauty with empowering story telling images.





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The Look Away | Fashion Styled Senior Pictures

Not every image in your senior picture gallery will be the standard face the camera portrait. I want to change it up for you, give you options and show you a side of you that you may not always see, your profile. Look Away images share a slightly different story than your eye contact images. They make the viewer wonder what you are thinking or who is off camera giving you that secret smile. These images are statements both profound and alluring. Below are a few of my recent Look Away shots from our fashion styled senior pictures here at #ivySEEN.

Senior Model AS Towler Photography ivySEEN-35

HMUA | Liz Annis

Senior Model Abbie S Towler Photography ivySEEN-266edit2

HMUA | Liz Annis

ivySEEN Senior Guy Pics Iowa City Towler Photography-76vintfade

Ivy Towler ivySEEN Iowa City High Senior PM-318

HMUA | Liz Annis

by Ivy Towler

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