Usually a new year doesn’t mean more than a page turn on a calendar and the start of a new marketing quarter but this year, it was a little bit more.
A lot of work was put into last quarter to make this new year start with a big bang. Many of you followed along my rebrand and custom website journey on social media but do you really know how much work that entailed?
A shit ton. I had my coach Emily from Boopbod guiding my behind the scenes work I wanted to do for myself and for my business. When you are lost, you are lost. Might as well ask for directions and be free of the frustration.
Katelyn from Katelyn Alyssa Creative took an overstuffed Pinterest board and turned it into a visual me. One that so beautifully translates what I stand for and what I do that I was not able to keep it to myself.
Caryssa from Franklin and Willow took what Katelyn created and my words and made a website that is easy to navigate, it’s not frustrating but an experience that empowers you just by visiting. A magazine worthy site that shows you how to PUT YOURSELF FIRST in collaboration with me. I cried when she sent me the first draft… CRIED! I didn’t know a site could be so perfect.
This whole process started last fall. 16 weeks of daily hard work and the evolution was worth every moment.