
Ivy Towler 




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I help women see their impact and beauty with empowering story telling images.





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High School Senior Photographer: Cedar Rapids: Rozek–Take 1

There are too many GREAT photos from this shoot to do just one post.  This is the sneak peek!

Meet Brandon, a boy who gave his mother a run for her money on Sunday…. he didn’t shave, we are not sure if he showered and  he arrived in his baseball hat that seemed to always find his head and mussing up his hair… even during our shoot!

You know what, it didn’t matter…. this young man pulled through for his mamma and not just because he shaved in his review mirror on site.  He was granted access to private property of a dear friend he works for that proved to be stunning!  We drove down a steep incline, through a creek bed, avoided cows and their creations that we re-named “marshmallow pies” and avoided death by a speeding train all in just under 2 hours.  Looking back, those pesky bugs seem like a small nuisance compared to the rest of the flurry!

We were determined to use every minute of light that afternoon and we did! Please enjoy this sneak peek and stay tuned for more to come!